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MRI and NLS studies have high informative value in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors

When interpreting MRI images, the most important indicator is the MRI signal intensity of the tumor. For various soft tissue tumors, we can see typical lesions and foci of MRI signal changes on MRI images, and based on their intensity and homogeneity (or heterogeneity) as well as the localization, morphology, structure and contour of the tumor and the condition of the surrounding tissues, we can judge whether the pathological characteristics are malignant or benign, its stage, and in some cases, the histological affiliation of the tumor can be roughly determined.

One of the main criteria for differential diagnosis of tumors is the assessment of the blood supply of the tumor. MRI is a method of detection of tumor vascularization, characteristics and types of new blood vessels with high informative value.

In most cases, the study of vascularization of soft tissue tumors found that new blood vessels are mainly located in the peripheral area of ​​the tumor or the so-called mixed vascularization (vessels in the peripheral area and center of the tumor).

New blood vessels differ from normal blood vessels in terms of uneven diameter, tortuosity, branching and the presence of a large number of arteriovenous shunts.

Therefore, the data obtained allow us to conclude that both MRI and NLS studies with the Hunter 4025 scanner have a high informative value when examining patients with soft tissue tumors. However, while NLS studies are an effective diagnostic screening method, MRI data are quite specific for this type of tumor and show their morphogenesis. Combined examinations with NLS, MRI and MRA allow to solve many specific problems in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors: determine the localization, morphology, size, structure, volume and local spread of the tumor, evaluate signs of malignancy, vascularization of the tumor, its relationship with large blood vessels and bone structures, which are the main criteria for choosing a treatment strategy.
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